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October Favorites

For my very first blog post, I wanted to introduce myself by sharing some of my favorite things I enjoyed during this past month. A few of these are makeup and beauty products, and others are other fall related things, including a delicious recipe I made this month. So Let's get started!

I want to take a minute and rave on this product. I. Am. In. Love. It's the most natural blush color I have ever used. It has a slight shimmer and is fairly sheer, again adding to it's natural look. Many cream blushes I have used in the past get very messy very quickly. You think you're going to have the prettiest glow and once you get to blending you turn into a clown, but that's not the case with this one! The formula is on the watery side which makes blending easy-peasy, and - as you can see from the picture- the inside has a mesh screen so you don't end up with too much product on your fingers. There has not been a day this month I haven't worn it. I love this blush!

This favorite is an oldie, but a goodie. I've actually had this brush for a while, but I recently went without it for a few days because I hadn't had the time to clean it. I ended up using my fingers (cleaned of course) but that was just not cutting it. I hadn't realized just how much I rely on this amazing tool! It's got a small soft tapered end so blending around the nose or smaller crevices isn't a problem. It doesn't absorb my foundation so the product actually ends up on my face rather than inside the brush. The brush is currently a few months old and did break once, but I was able to fix it with some superglue. At only $3 it's painlessly replaceable if I didn't have the superglue to fix it.

I went shopping last week and ran across this product while perusing the makeup aisle at the drug store. I didn't think much about it, but did a double take when I saw that it had cocoa butter in this particular formula. I love all things with cocoa butter and knew that vaseline had TONS of different uses, so I decided to give it a try. My lips haven't been the same since. They're soft and supple, no dead skin or dry chapped lips anymore! I generally use it right before bed as a part of my nightly routine. I can't get enough of that cocoa smell either. This is definitely worth the buy if you've never tried it. If you use vaseline already consider trying this one with the cocoa butter. I can't get enough of it!

Moving on from makeup and beauty products I wanted to share with you Fall smells like. That's right, this is the epitome of Autumn in my books. In the past, I would just savor the small wiff I got when visiting Craker Barrell with my husband, but this year I broke down and actually bought it. I always thought Yankee was overpriced and overrated, but I have now been burning this candle almost everyday since I got it and here, November 3rd, it's only burned about half of the wax! It burns evenly and the scent is well distributed throughout the candle. I always thought $25 was a little steep for a candle, but based on how much I love it and how long it's lasted, I plan on buying more in the future.

This stuff. Oh man. I was super skeptical. I mean, chicken and stuffing (or dressing if you live here in the South) in the crockpot? No way was it going to be good, not with that few ingredients. Boy was I wrong, and never have I been more happy to be wrong! It's so easy; you just dump all the ingredients in the crock pot according to the recipe and, voila! Delicousness fit for a family, although even with just the hubby and me it didn't last long. We couldn't believe how tasty this was. From now on, it will be a staple in our house.

Thus far, Fall has been so nice. It hasn't been too cold, we've had just the right amount of rain to flood the trees with color. The trick-or-treaters actually took all of my candy this year, so no sign of the sweater body yet! My town had a fun little festival at the begining of the month that centered around local music, food and shops that was unique and oodles of fun. I also got to write for a local magazine that will be published pressed in the coming weeks. It's been an enjoyable and relaxing October. As it gets closer to the hustle and bustle of the holiday season I just hope that the coming months will be the same.

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